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- 2024年03月29日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】Honorable Chris Tang: Safeguarding Hong Kong’s Security
Hosted by Nick Chan, episode 3 of Season 3 featured the Honorable Mr. Chris Tang, GBS, PDSM, JP, Secretary for Security of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Tang shared his insights and experience on maintaining a secure environment for business development and the methodical process in spearheading the passage of the Safeguarding National Security Bill. The Safeguarding National Security Ordinance Tang pointed out that the Safeguarding National Security Bill was off
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- 2024年03月22日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】 Honorable Paul Chan: Bolstering Hong Kong’s Competitive Strength
Hosted by Nick Chan, episode 2 of Season 3 features the Honorable Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, who has been serving the public in this role since 2017. Chan manages a large portfolio including the city’s finance with an annual government expenditure of approximately US$97 billion. He shares valuable insights from participations in important international meetings, such as representing Hong Kong at the APEC leaders meeting, in Davos for the World
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- 2024年03月15日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】 Stephon Marbury: Jumping Through Hoops!
The first episode of Season 3 features special guest Mr. Stephon Marbury, a renowned former NBA and CBA player, who is also a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist. Known affectionately as “Starbury,” the two-time NBA All-Star and two-time All-NBA team member has left an indelible mark on Chinese basketball, playing and coaching there for the last 14 years. With three championships for the city of Beijing, he has been granted honorary citizenship, becoming a role model for millions of Chine
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- 2024年03月09日
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- 2024年03月02日
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- 2024年02月24日
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- 2024年02月17日
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- 2024年02月10日
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- 2024年02月09日
祥龍獻瑞 如意吉祥
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- 2024年02月03日
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- 2024年01月27日
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- 2024年01月24日
把握最後機會!「兔年十大消費新聞」投票快將截止 立即登記、贏取頭獎HK$5,000禮品卡
消費者委員會舉辦的「兔年十大消費新聞」選舉會於1月24日截止投票。請即透過活動網站,投選過去一年你認為市民最關注的消費新聞大事,幸運兒有機會贏取頭獎價值HK$5,000禮品卡! 過去一年,社會陸續復常,政府推出「開心香港」及「香港夜繽紛」促進本地消費和吸引旅客。除此之外,亦有多項政策推進及落實,例如上調煙草稅及引入的士車隊制及記分制等。與此同時不少值得關注的消費議題或糾紛亦陸續浮現,包括電子點餐投訴趨升、教育中心突然結業、消委會點名譴責不良藥店、JPEX案、多人打消脂針後感染膿腫分枝桿菌等。 作為消費者,這些議題絕對與你息息相關。請即把握最後機會,登入活動網站登記投票。所有合資格的參加者均會自動進入終極大抽獎,成功投選出頭10則得票最高消費新聞的參加者,有機會贏得頭獎價值HK$5,000、二獎HK$3,000或三獎HK$2,000的禮品卡。 另外,參加者亦需投選出「最大快人心」、「最抵讚」及「最離譜」消費新聞,每個主題組別將抽出成功投選得票最高新聞的3位幸運兒,每人可獲價值HK$1,000的禮品卡。 一撳即投:https://top10.consumer.org.hk 參加資格:年滿1