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- 2024年09月09日
粵海控股集團有限公司呈獻:東江水 東江情 – 第四集
【東江水 東江情】根據東江水供水協議,輸港東江水水質需要符合用作平常飲用的地表水最高國家標準。廣東省政府採取一系列措施及工程保障水質,香港水務署亦實施多重水質監測,確保水質符合飲用標準。
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- 2024年09月02日
粵海控股集團有限公司呈獻:東江水 東江情 – 第三集
【東江水 東江情】香港木湖原水抽水站是東江水到港的第一站,是東深供水工程香港段的重要設施。抽水站將接收的東江水分配到全港各濾水廠及水塘處理和儲存。水務署會定期檢查及維修輸水管道,為全港市民穩定供水。
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- 2024年08月26日
粵海控股集團有限公司呈獻:東江水 東江情 – 第二集
【東江水 東江情】東江水輸往香港要跨越廣東省東莞市及深圳市,東深供水工程建設需要克服不少困難,為了提供東江水的供水量及質量,工程先後經歷三次擴建及一次改造,滿足香港對淡水的需求。
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- 2024年08月19日
粵海控股集團有限公司呈獻:東江水 東江情 – 第一集
【東江水 東江情】香港在上世紀60年代經歷百年一遇的大旱災,嚴重打擊民生及經濟,經過香港與廣東省政府多番磋商下,達成興建東深供水系統的共識,東深供水工程60年來,為香港提供潔淨水源。
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- 2024年06月07日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】Fiona Nott: Advancing Gender Equality
Hosted by Patrick Tsang, Episode 12 of Season 3 features Ms Fiona Nott. Fiona is the CEO of The Women’s Foundation. As a former lawyer and Hang Seng Index company secretary, she has resided in Hong Kong for nearly two decades, working as a senior legal professional and advisor to several prominent corporations in Hong Kong and throughout Asia. Driven by her enduring passion for social equality, particularly improving the lives of women and girls in Hong Kong, Fiona joined The Women’s Foundation
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- 2024年05月24日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】Naomi Chung:Modernizing Cantonese Opera
Cantonese opera in current days Cantonese opera has been recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2009. Introducing the history of this art form, Naomi explained, “The Cantonese opera has a long, storied history. We believe that in the 18th century, some governors from the northern regions traveled down to the southern parts with their entire families. At that time, they performed in a language we call Zhong Zhou Wen, a hybrid between Putonghua and Cantonese.” Sh
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- 2024年05月17日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】Rosanna Law: Housing Future and Advancing Social Mobility
Hosted by Nick Chan, Episode 10 of Season 3 features Rosanna Law Shuk-pui, Permanent Secretary for Housing and Director of Housing, as she shares her background growing up in a rental unit in a public housing estate, and her dedication to addressing societal housing needs, making life better and creating opportunities for upward social mobility for low-income families. Rosanna oversees the entire cycle of production, management and redevelopment of public housing, one of the most urgent and crit
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- 2024年05月10日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】Ronald Lam: Flying to Greater Heights
Hosted by Nick Chan, Episode 9 of Season 3 features Mr. Ronald Lam, CEO of Cathay Group, as he shares insights into the journey of Hong Kong’s iconic home carrier and its role as an international aviation hub. With the Covid cloud dissipating, Ronald and his team are steering Cathay Pacific to new heights. HK’s role as an aviation hub Elaborating on the significance of Hong Kong’s pivotal role as an international aviation hub, Ronald stated, “Prior to the pandemic, specifically in 2018 and 201
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- 2024年05月03日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】William Louey: Making a Positive Impact on Society
Hosted by Nick Chan, Episode 8 of Season 3 features William Louey, a visionary leader, successful businessman, and philanthropist dedicated to creating a better world. As the director of Kowloon Motor Bus Company, a 102-year legacy founded by his grandfather since 1921, William has led the company to remarkable heights. Going green When discussing the company’s business model, William explained, “KMB is a privately owned company that operates public transport. We are the only company of this kin
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- 2024年04月27日
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- 2024年04月26日
【Friday Beyond Spotlights III】Climate Advocate Natalie Chung: Striving for a Greener Future
Making HK a greener city: Natalie noted that we do not need reminders about last year’s extreme weather events in Hong Kong. From scorching heat waves during summertime to coastal flooding, storm surges, and even urban flooding, these incidents have exposed the fact that Hong Kong is not as resilient as we have thought. As a low-lying coastal city with a subtropical monsoon climate, the city has its vulnerability. In light of this, Natalie believed that “what we can learn is that the government
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- 2024年04月26日
沙田T4號主幹路全長大約2.3公里,連接城門河道兩岸,東面接駁沙田路,西面接駁城門隧道公路/青沙公路。預計通車後,可以有效紓緩交通,釋放區內道路容車量。 運輸及物流局已向財委會提交文件申請撥款以盡快推展T4主幹路,並建議修訂工程計劃的方案,造價會下調至約68億。